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Engel MR040F Cooler

The coolers from Engel have a very high reputation. Despite the higher purchasing costs compared to other brands, we decided to buy the strong performing and durable cooler from Engel, model MR040F.  It is designed for refrigeration or freezing (not at the same time), but we use it entirely for keeping food and other items cold. 

Until date, the compressor-cooler has met our expectations. It is highly efficient in cooling and its modest power consumption is much appreciated by us. Definitely worth mentioning is, that it is surprisingly low-noise. In fact our refrigerator at home hums much louder.

All Engel coolers feature the Engel Swing Motor Compressor, which has been developed for mobile use.  

  • Capacity: 38 liters 
  • Temp: +5 °C to -18 °C 
  • Size:  W 63.0 x H 47.0 x D 39.4 cm
  • Weight:  22 kg
  • Compact, lightweight and quiet
  • Maintenance free

Engel MR040F Cooler - buy it!